Haku a green iguana

 Name : Nauvia Fanisya Pridarezqita 

Class: 7b

no absence : 26

Wednesday 8 March 2023 

1.What is the text about?

Answer: Haku a Green iguana 

2.What is the pet?

Answer: the pet is Green iguana

3.What is the name of the pet?

Answer: The iguana's name is Haku

4.What is the colour of the pet?

Answer:the colour of the pet is the brown

5.what does paragraph two tell us about?

Answer:Haku looks like a small dragon. It has scales in several parts of its body and has strong legs.

6.Why does the pet need to eat insects?

Answer:because insects are good for bones so they won't suffer from osteoporosis.

7. What are the functions of the pet's strong legs?

Answer: For swimming and climbing trees.

8.What is the purpose of the text?

Answer:the goal is to get to know the characteristics of iguanas to readers.


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